

Hiking News: Do you have news about hiking events in North Carolina that you would like for us to post on our website? Please feel free to send any hiking news that you would like for us to share, to our email address at We are more than happy to inform our readers about charity events and other outdoor related activities in North Carolina.

Photographs of Wildlife: If you have photographs of local North Carolina wildlife you saw while hiking and would like to share them on our website please send photographs to Also, feel free to share them on our Facebook Page. We suggest that you indicate the trail where you took the picture.

Product Reviews: If you have any products that you would like for Ashley and I to do a review of please email us at Click Here for a list of products we have already reviewed for our readers.

Recommend a Hike: When making a recommendation of a hike we should do, please post in the comment section below or either by emailing us at Please provide directions to the trailhead and any description you think that would be helpful to us. Thank you for taking the time to suggest a trail!

Contact: Please feel free to contact us at if you have any feedback or comments for us. We try and provide the best information about hikes that we have done. Feel free to email us with any suggestions you might have.

Post Comments: Ashley and I encourage and welcome our readers to submit comments about their experiences on the hikes on this blog or about their hiking experiences in general. *Site policy on Comments: All comments require administrator approval. Comments will not be approved if they are not related to hiking, the blog, the outdoors, etc. No inappropriate material will be allowed to be posted to the site. Bottom-line is please keep things hiking/outdoor related. Copyright 2011.